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  • Country: Singapore
  • Services: Company formation
  • Rating Count: 2
  • Rating Value: 5

You are planning to set up a private limited in Singapore as a foreigner, everything seems fine until you start to write down yourself as the sole director of the company. Your application is unacceptable from that point forward. 

The reason? To incorporate a company in Singapore, you need to appoint a local director for your Singapore private limited, and in this case, a Singapore nominee director.

So what is a nominee director and how can you appoint one for your local company in Singapore? In this comprehensive guide, you will learn exactly everything you need to know about the Singapore nominee director:

With this knowledge, you can confidently hire, and appoint a trusted nominee director, and even become one to start running a successful business with your Singapore company.

1. What is a nominee director?

Based on the official ACRA Register of Nominee Director - Guidance for Companies, and the Singapore Companies Act, the nominee director definition is as follows

“ A director is a nominee if the director is accustomed or under an obligation whether formal or informal to act in accordance with the directions, instructions or wishes of any other person”

In simple terms, if a local person, appointed by a nominator, becomes a director of a Singapore company to meet the rule that every company in Singapore must have at least one director who lives in Singapore, they're considered a nominee director.

A nominee director has no say or power over the company’s management or decision-making process. Their role is to be a representative for the Singapore company. A nominee director is also known as a non-executive director.

2. When do you need to have a nominee director for your Singapore company?

If you are wondering if your Singapore company needs a nominee director or not?  The answer depends on you.

  • In the case of a foreigner or foreign entity incorporating a local company in Singapore, you need to find a local person to be one of your company's directors to follow Singapore's laws. Or, you can utilize the nominee’s local director service on a short-term or annual basis to satisfy this statutory requirement;
  • If you do not plan to relocate to Singapore, you will need to find a nominee director;
  • If you are a Singapore resident or an employment pass holder, you don’t need a nominee director at all;
  • If you are applying for an employment pass, you will need the nominee director service temporarily until you have an employment pass.
  • Foreign businesses need to consider nominee director services when forming a company in Singapore to succeed in the market and during the incorporation process.

Remember that you need to appoint your nominee director within 6 months of company incorporation. Failure to do so will lead to legal penalties.

Reliable nominee director at your fingertips

To be successful overseas is to find a reliable partner with whom you can count on for Singapore company formation and management.

Global Link Asia Consulting is proud to be the partner hundreds of entrepreneurs place their trust in.

Hundreds of business owners find peace of mind with our trusted nominee director service, and you can too.

Book a call today!

3. How much are the Singapore nominee director fees?

Nominee director fees in Singapore typically range from as low as SGD 1000 to SGD 5,000 annually or higher. Extra costs may arise for certain services. 

Corporate service providers might require a security deposit to cover risks associated with Singapore nominee directors, in case of compulsory company strike-off for undesirable circumstances (the executive director, and the shareholder don't appeal to the government court summon, or are not present to settle disputes or the company breaches law)

4. Why do you need to have a nominee director?

Besides the reason that you have to have a local resident director in the Singapore Companies Act, the reason why you as a foreigner need to have a nominee director is your uncertain presence in the country.

The Singapore government needs a person to communicate with if the company breaks any law, which ensures that foreign owners can not just leave the company and avoid any legal responsibilities if problems occur.

A local director helps by performing the required checks to ensure the company follows all laws. Even though they have no control over the company management, Singapore's Companies Act views them as having the same duties and liabilities as a regular director.

5. What are the roles and responsibilities of a Singapore nominee director? 

Even though the nominee director has no control over the company operations and management, they still have duties and responsibilities to uphold under the Singapore Companies Act.

Legal compliance

  • Ensure the company complies with all applicable laws, regulations, and statutory requirements.
  • Stay updated on changes in laws that may impact the company's operations.
  • Maintain accurate records and help submit required documents to regulatory authorities on time.

Fiduciary responsibility

  • Maintain confidentiality  of all involved parties to protect the company secrets
  • Make decisions that keep the appointer's interests in mind, while still following Singapore's laws.
  • Act honestly, professionally

Fulfillment in legal requirements

  • Fulfill legal requirements for Singapore company formation: At least one resident director for all companies registered in Singapore.

Here is a simple table showing the role and responsibilities between you as the company founder and director and the nominee director:

Questions Answer
Who acts as the executive director of the Singapore company? You
Who signs the contractual and financial documents? You
Is the nominee director involved in the company matter other than to satisfy his/her legal compliance, the fiduciary duties? No
Can the nominee director review and scrutinize the bank statement? Yes, nominee directors can do it to fulfill their fiduciary duties

Breaking the director's duties (No matter what your role is: nominee director or an executive director) can have serious consequences, both in civil court and in criminal court. The punishment depends on the severity of the offense. 

For minor offenses, a director might have to pay a fine of up to S$5,000 or go to jail for up to two years. 

More serious offenses could lead to being banned from being a director for five years.

6. Is there any difference between a nominee director, a company director, and a nominee shareholder?

Here is a table outlining the primary difference between a nominee director, a company director, and a nominee shareholder. Knowing this key difference allows you to understand more about the roles and responsibilities of a nominee director.

Aspect Nominee Director Company Director Nominee Shareholder
Definition An individual appointed to meet legal requirements but with no real control over company operations. An individual with legal authority and responsibility for managing the company. An individual or entity that holds shares on behalf of the actual owner.
Role Fulfill the statutory requirement of having a local resident director. Oversee and manage the company's day-to-day operations and strategic direction. Hold shares in the company on behalf of the actual beneficial owner.
Responsibilities Ensure compliance with legal requirements, and act as a representative without engaging in daily operations. Make decisions, manage resources, ensure legal compliance, and set strategic goals. Act on instructions from the beneficial owner, and vote as directed in shareholder meetings.
Control Limited to statutory and compliance duties; no actual control over business operations. Full control over company operations and decision-making processes. No control over the company; acts as a proxy for the beneficial owner.
Legal Liability Legal liability for the company’s non-compliance and unlawful acts. Full legal liability for the company’s actions and decisions. Minimal legal liability, primarily to ensure shares are held as per instructions.
Appointment Purpose To meet statutory requirements for local residency. To provide leadership, strategic direction, and management. To protect the identity of the actual shareholder and hold shares in trust.
Appointment Process Appointed to fulfill legal requirements, often by a service provider. Appointed by shareholders or board of directors based on qualification Appointed by the beneficial owner to hold shares on their behalf.

6.1. Typically receives a fee for acting as nominee.

Receives salary, bonuses, and other compensation for their role. Receive a nominal fee for acting as a nominee.

7. Who can be a nominee director? What are the eligibility criteria?

Not everyone can be a nominee director for your Singapore company. They need to satisfy the eligibility criteria set by the Singapore government. 

Based on the ACRA Appointing Directors section, the eligibility criteria are as follows

7.1. For a foreigner wanting to hire a nominee director

There are 3 most important criteria to become a legitimate nominee director, which are the age requirement (at least 18 years old),  no criminal records, and Singapore citizenship or permanent residency.

Age Requirement To be a legally qualified nominee director,  a person must be at least 18 years old. He or she needs to be of full legal capacity
Singapore Citizenship or Permanent Residency

The nominee director must be a citizen or permanent resident of Singapore and must have a permanent address located in Singapore.

Singapore-resident and foreign-resident persons can be directors of a Singapore company as long as there is at least one Singapore-resident director.

A corporate director is not allowed to be a nominee director, it must be a person.

No criminal record

A clean criminal record is a must to hold the position of a director. This is proof of credibility and trustworthiness.

In addition, a person also should not have a history of being disqualified from holding a director position.

If you are looking for someone to be your local director, you must consider this criterion carefully to avoid fraudulent or dishonest activities in the future.

You don't need to use a nominee director service with this tip

If you want to find a local director for the company, you should check first if you have any reliable connection in Singapore who can be one. They can be your cousins, your families, your friends, your working partners. 

As long as they are trustworthy, meet listed requirements, and you build a sustainable business, there is nothing to worry about

7.2. For foreigners wanting to be a sole director

One solution many foreign entrepreneurs have successfully done or are in the process of doing is to apply for a work pass such as employment Pass, Entrepreneur Pass, or one Pass. 

This would make you a resident of Singapore so you can be a director of the company.  However, bear in mind that this process can be complicated to get government approval.

In addition, you still need to fulfill other criteria listed above in the For a Singapore resident: At least 18 years old with full legal capacity, no criminal record, and no disqualification from acting as a director of a company.

8. Employment Pass or Nominee director, which one to choose?

One challenge a foreign entrepreneur might face is the need to appoint a local person as one of the company directors. Often, you don’t know which solution: employment pass or nominee direct is the right solution.

Here is an overview of the 5 solutions with scenarios for satisfying the local director’s requirement. The right solution is the one that fits your plan and needs.

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If you are still unsure which path to take for your situation, book a free call with Global Link Asia Consulting today, and let us show you the most suitable solution.

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8.1. Solution 1: Employment Pass (EP) option

Scenario: You plan to relocate to Singapore and actively manage the business.


  • You can legally work in Singapore.
  • You can bring eligible family members on Dependant's Pass or Long-Term Visit Pass.
  • The EP is renewable as long as employment conditions are met.
  • You become the sole director of your Singapore company

8.2. Solution 2: Nominee Director

Scenario: You want to incorporate a company in Singapore but not relocate or actively manage the business on-site.

When to apply:

  • Appoint a Nominee Director if you prefer to remain outside Singapore or manage your business remotely.
  • Required if none of the company’s directors are Singapore residents (citizens, Permanent Residents, or holders of EP or EntrePass).


  • It ensures compliance with the statutory requirement of having a local resident director.
  • The Nominee Director does not need to be involved in the day-to-day management, allowing you to retain control over business operations.
  • Flexibility to appoint additional directors as needed.

8.3. Solution 3: EP with Local Resident Director

Scenario: You intend to relocate to Singapore and manage the business, but you need immediate incorporation before your EP is approved.

When to apply:

  • Apply for an EP and simultaneously appoint a local resident as an initial director to meet the incorporation requirements.
  • Once your EP is approved, you can take over the director role and relieve the Nominee Director if preferred.


  • Immediate compliance with local directorship requirements.
  • Smooth business operations while waiting for your EP approval.
  • Full control of your business in Singapore.

8.4. Solution 4: Nominee Director with Potential EP Later

Scenario: You initially want to set up the company quickly and explore the market before deciding on relocation.

When to apply:

  • Appoint a Nominee Director for the initial setup and market exploration phase.
  • Apply for an EP later if the business proves viable and you decide to relocate.


  • Quick incorporation without immediate personal relocation;
  • Flexibility to gauge business potential before committing to moving;
  • Strategic planning and seamless transition to an EP if you decide to manage the business on-site later.

8.5. Solution 5: Local staff appointment

Scenario: You appoint senior-level local staff to be your local director. He/she can be your family, close ones, or hired local staff.

Things to note:

  • The time and effort it takes to find a suitable candidate can be great;
  • You should find a trustworthy person who meets the eligibility criteria for such a role;
  • If you choose to hire a nominee director, the next step is to understand how to appoint one.

9. How to appoint a nominee director with success?

Whether you choose to entrust to a trusted corporate service provider for support or do it yourself, the process will involve the following steps:

Before appointing a nominee director, you must first incorporate your company in Singapore, open your bank account, prepare the paid-up capital, and more.

Once you officially register your company, you can proceed with the next steps

If you entrust to a reliable agent, this step is rather easy, you can use the nominee director service of your corporate service provider.

They do everything for you, usually, the nominee director fee is included in the incorporation package for 1 year and you need to extend the service annually until you have EP or find another to be your local director.

If you do it yourself, you should first choose a suitable candidate, create a Nominee Director service agreement, including the nominee director's terms, conditions, and responsibilities.

It should clearly define their duties, any limits on their authority, and how disputes will be resolved.

Once you prepare essential documents like the Memorandum and Articles of Association, board resolutions, and incorporation certificates you need to submit to ACRA for the appointment of the nominee director. You need also to fill in the online form on the ACRA’s BizFile+ portal.

If you are a foreigner, you will need to engage a registered filing agent (such as Global Link Asia Consulting - a certified corporate service provider by ACRA) to submit the application in Bizfile+ on your behalf.

After appointing, the nominee director needs to uphold the roles and responsibilities as stipulated in the Singapore Companies Act, which helps the company stay in good standing and reduces legal risks.

10. How to replace or remove a nominee director?

When considering the replacement or removal of a nominee director, it's important to ensure that your Singaporean company always has at least one local or nominee director. 

To replace or remove a nominee director, you should follow your company’s constitution, shareholders' agreement, and other legal documents, which the registered agent prepared for you during the incorporation process.

The benefit of having a registered agent is that they can help do everything for you with your decision regarding the nominee director position. You should make sure to get support from your corporate provider to make the process more seamless.

A typical process would look something like this

Step 1: Check the company constitution

Review your company’s constitution (also known as the Articles of Association) to understand the process and requirements for appointing or removing directors. This document will outline the necessary steps and any specific conditions you must meet.

11. What are the risks of hiring a Singapore nominee director?

If you use nominee director service from a certified registered agent, there is usually little to no risk at all on your part since the appointed director has to uphold his or her fiduciary duty to the company and the registered agent. 

Additionally, if the nominee directors commit any offenses or break their duties, they have to face serious consequences.

That is why, to protect the rights and benefits of the nominee director, many corporate service providers conduct a Know Your Client (KYC) due diligence rigorously to ensure your company does not violate any laws, that could potentially put the nominee director at harm.

However, there are still certain risks and considerations you need to know when hiring a nominee director.

  • Confidentiality issues: The nominee director may have access to sensitive company data. Establishing clear confidentiality agreements and safeguards (NDAs) can be a solution.
  • Unclear nominee director service agreement: The contract does not state clearly the director’s duties,  terms, conditions, and responsibilities, which can lead to a conflict of interest. You should clearly understand the agreement before signing for the service
  • Unfullied duties: The director does not uphold their responsibilities as stated in the contract and the Companies Act. Although rare, some directors, in fear of fines and imprisonment from law breaches of a foreign-owned company, do not appear to the government or registered agent request.

12. How can Global Link Asia Consulting help you appoint a reliable nominee director for your Singapore company?

For many foreign entrepreneurs and business owners who love to work remotely while still adhering to Singapore law, finding a trusted nominee director is crucial for the company’s sustainable success.

With a proven track record of helping nearly thousands of foreign business owners start and manage their businesses in Singapore with success with our nominee direct service. We know the secret to helping your business flourish with little investment and maximum benefits. 

Many entrepreneurs place their trust in us and see their worthy results. And you can too today.

As your one-stop corporate service provider, we can help you

13. FAQs about Singapore nominee director

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